Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation
Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na)
(Carboxymethylcellulose-Sodium Salt) and Nickel
Eunho Choi1 , Young Jun Kwak2 , and Myoung Youp Song2ti ∗
1Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School, Chonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero
Deokjin-gu Jeonju, 54896, Republic of Korea
2Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Research Center, Engineering Research Institute,
Chonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero Deokjin-gu Jeonju, 54896, Republic of Korea
Samples with compositions of 95 wt% Mg + 5 wt% CMC(Na) [carboxymethylcellulose, sodium salt, {C6H7 O2 (OH)x (C2 H2 O3 Na)y }n ] [named Mg-5CMC(Na)] and 90 wt% Mg + 10 wt% CMC(Na) [named Mg-10CMC(Na)] were prepared via milling in hydrogen (hydride-forming milling). Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) had very high hydrogenation rates but low dehydrogenation rates. Adding Ni to Mg is known to increase the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates of Mg. We chose Ni as an additive to increase dehydrogenation rates of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na). A sam- ple with a composition of 90 wt% Mg + 5 wt% CMC + 5 wt% Ni [named Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na)] was prepared via IP:hydride-forming milling. Sat,activation06ofJul 2019Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na)04:04:15 was completed at the
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
third hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycle (N =Delivered 3).by IngentaMg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had an effective hydrogen- storage capacity (the quantity of hydrogen absorbed for 60 min) of 5.83 wt% at 593 K in 12 bar
hydrogen at N = 3. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) released 2.73 wt% H for 10 min and 4.61 wt% H for 60 min at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 3. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at N = 4 contained Mg and small amounts of MgO, ti -MgH , Mg Ni, and Ni. Hydride-forming milling of Mg with CMC and
2 2
Ni and Mg2 Ni formed during hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling are believed to have increased the dehydrogenation rates of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na). As far as we know, this study is the first in which a polymer CMC(Na) and Ni were added to Mg via hydride-forming milling to improve the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates of Mg.
Keywords: Hydrogen Storage Material, A Polymer CMC(Na) (carboxymethylcellulose, sodium salt) Addition, Ni Addition, Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates, Hydrogen-Storage Capacity, Hydride-Forming Milling.
Magnesium hydride, MgH2 , has high energy density and is a reversible hydride. Magnesium hydride has a high hydrogen-storage capacity (7.66 wt%). Magnesium (Mg) has large reserves in Earth’s crust and is inexpensive as well. However, MgH has an unfavorable high dehydro-
genation temperature (about 573 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen) and slow dehydrogenation kinetics. In addition, Mg can be
performed; metallic elements were alloyed with magne- sium or magnesium hydride [2–5], intermetallic com- pounds [6–9] or carbon materials [10] were added to magnesium or magnesium hydride, Mg-based com- pounds [11–13] were prepared, and various processing or treating methods were applied to magnesium or magne- sium hydride [14].
easily contaminated due to its high chemical affinity with
Carboxymethylcellulose-sodium salt [CMC(Na), {C
air and oxygen [1].
O2 (OH)x
H2 O3 Na)y
] is a cellulose derivative with car-
Many works to improve the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation features of magnesium have been
∗ Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
boxymethyl groups (–CH2 –COOH). It is an anionic lin- ear polymer that is water-soluble and nontoxic. CMC(Na) melts at a relatively low temperature (547 K) and is highly viscous.
6580 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2019, Vol. 19, No. 10 1533-4880/2019/19/6580/010 doi:10.1166/jnn.2019.17083
Choi et al. Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel
Adding CMC(Na) is believed to possibly improve the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation features of Mg because it has a relatively low melting point and its melt- ing during milling in hydrogen (hydride-forming milling) might leave the milled samples in the appropriate states to readily react with hydrogen [15–19].
Adding Ni to Mg or MgH is reported to increase the
hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates of Mg [4, 5, 20–23]. Liang et al. [4] investigated the mechanical alloy-
Table I. Conditions of hydride-forming milling. Volume of mill container
Total weight of mixture
Total weight of hardened steel balls Disc rotation speed
Hydrogen pressure Milling time
Period of hydrogen refilling
250 mL
8 g
360 g (150 balls) 400 rpm
12 bar
6 h 2 h
ing process of mixed elemental Mg and Ni. They reported that nanocrystalline Mg2 Ni absorbs hydrogen more rapidly than the two-phase material and that after activation,
2Ni has better hydrogenation kinetics at low temperature (423 K) than does nanocrys- talline Mg2 Ni. Their explanations were that Mg2 Ni cat- alyzes the hydrogen chemisorption in the composite and that the phase boundaries enhance hydrogen diffusion. Liang et al. [5] added Ti, V, Mn, Fe, and Ni as Tm to
size 2.2–3.0 ti m, purity 99.9% metal basis, C typically
<0.1%, Alfa Aesar), and CMC(Na) (carboxymethylcellu- lose, sodium salt, Aldrich) as starting materials to prepare samples by hydride-forming milling.
Hydride-forming milling was performed in a plane- tary ball mill, a Planetary Mono Mill (Pulverisette 6, Fritsch) [24–26]. Conditions of hydride-forming milling are presented in Table I. Samples were handled in argon atmosphere.
through ball milling. The MgH
in the prepared
Variations in the stored and released hydrogen amounts
nanocrystalline MgH2 -Tm composites had significantly reduced activation energy for dehydrogenation. According
were measured according to time using a Sieverts’ type hydrogenation and dehydrogenation apparatus previously
to this report, Ti-added MgH2 had good dehydrogenation explained in detail [27–29]. A half gram of the samples
kinetics. However, because Ti and V have strong affinity with oxygen, the authors concluded that the best dehydro- genation kinetics was attained in Ni-added MgH2 . Unlike other added transition metals, the added Ti did not form any complex hydrides with magnesium. Cho et al. [20]
was used for these measurements. The hydrogen pressures were maintained nearly constant (in 12 bar for the hydro- genation and in 1.0 bar for the dehydrogenation). After obtaining dehydrogenation curve (released hydrogen quan- tity versus time curve), the temperature of the reactor con-
developed nanostructured eutecticIP:Mg–Mg Ni84.54.57.196 On:hydrogenSat, 06tainingJulthe2019sample was04:04:15raised to 623 K. During this period,
2Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
storage alloys with improved hydrogen sorption properties hydride was decomposed (for about 30 min). The reactor
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by applying the fabrication technique of casting to Mg–Ni was then vacuum-pumped at 623 K for 1 h.
mixtures. A large area of interfaces was introduced along which hydrogen diffusion could occur with high diffusiv- ity. After a few cycles of hydrogenation and dehydrogena- tion, an ultrafine porous structure formed in the eutectic Mg–Mg2Ni and some cracks developed along the interface between the eutectic and the ti-Mg matrix.
In this work, we prepared samples with compositions of 95 wt% Mg + 5 wt% CMC(Na) [named Mg-5CMC(Na)]
and 90 wt% Mg + 10 wt% CMC(Na) [named Mg- 10CMC(Na)] via hydride-forming milling and examined the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation features of the pre- pared samples. Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) had very high hydrogenation rates but low dehydrogenation rates after activation. In order to increase the dehydro- genation rates of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na), Ni was added, preparing a sample with a composition of
90 wt% Mg + 5 wt% CMC(Na) + 5 wt% Ni [named Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na)]. As far as we know, we firstly add a poly- mer CMC(Na) and Ni to Mg by hydride-forming milling to improve the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates of Mg.
We used pure Mg powder (-20 +100 mesh, 99.8%, met- als basis, Alfa Aesar), Ni (Nickel powder average particle
X-ray diffraction (XRD) diagrams were obtained with Cu Kti radiation, using a Rigaku D/MAX 2500 powder diffractometer, to analyze phases contained in the sam- ples after hydride-forming milling and after hydrogenation and dehydrogenation cycling. A scanning electron micro- scope (SEM) (JSM-5900) was employed to observe the microstructures of the powders. The SEM was operated at 15 kV. The elements in the particles of the sample after hydride-forming milling were analyzed using an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS, EDAX) in a SEM (JSM- 6400) operated at 20 kV. A high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) (JEM-2010) was also used to observe the microstructures of the powders and to obtain selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns.
The quantity of hydrogen stored by the sample, H, was calculated by using sample weight as a criteria. The quan- tity of hydrogen released from the sample, D, was also calculated by using sample weight as a criteria. The units of H and D were weight percent (wt%).
Figure 1 shows hydrogenation curves at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at the number of cycles, N, of one
(N = 1) for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na). Mg-5CMC(Na) had a relatively low
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019 6581
Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel Choi et al.
Mg-5CMC(Na) Mg-10CMC(Na)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
Mg-5CMC(Na) Mg-10CMC(Na)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
Figure 1. Hydrogenation curves at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
starting hydrogenation rate and a relatively small quan- tity of hydrogen absorbed for 60 min, H (60 min). Mg-10CMC(Na) and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had quite high starting hydrogenation rates and quite large H (60 min)’s. Mg-5CMC(Na) absorbed 0.22 wt% H for 2.5 min and 3.03 wt% H for 60 min. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) absorbed 2.54 wt% H for 2.5 min and 5.40 wt% H for 60 min. Table II shows changes in H (wt% H) as a function of time
t (min) at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg- 5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
Figure 2. Hydrogenation curves at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
than that of Mg-10CMC(Na). Mg-5CMC(Na) exhibited an S-shaped dehydrogenation curve. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had a very high starting dehydrogenation rate and quite a large D (60 min). Mg-10CMC(Na) released 0.10 wt% H for 2.5 min and 0.26 wt% H for 60 min. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) released 0.48 wt% H for 2.5 min and 4.64 wt% H for 60 min. Table IV shows changes in D (wt% H) as a func-
tion of t at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg- 5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
Dehydrogenation curves at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen
Activations of Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and
at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg- Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) were IP:completed after about84.54.57.196 On:threeSat, 06 Jul 20195Ni-5CMC(Na) are04:04:15shown in Figure 4. Mg-5CMC(Na) hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycles.Copyright:HydrogenationAmerican andScientific PublishersMg-10CMC(Na) had very similar dehydrogenation
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curves at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg- curves and had very low starting dehydrogenation rates
5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) are and very small D (60 min)’s. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had a
shown in Figure 2. Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had quite high starting hydrogenation rates and quite large H (60 min)’s. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) absorbed 3.10 wt% H for 2.5 min and 5.83 wt% H for 60 min. Mg-5CMC(Na) absorbed 3.62 wt% H for 2.5 min and 7.18 wt% H for 60 min. Table III shows changes in H (wt% H) as a function of t at 593 K in 12 bar
hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
Figure 3 shows dehydrogenation curves at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-
10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na). Mg-10CMC(Na) had a very low starting dehydrogenation rate and a very small quantity of hydrogen released for 60 min, D (60 min). Mg-5CMC(Na) had a very low starting dehydro- genation rate and a small D (60 min), which was larger
Table II. Changes in H (wt% H) as a function of t at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
Mg-5CMC(Na) 0ti22 0ti35 0ti55 1ti41 3ti03
Mg-10CMC(Na) 2ti50 3ti11 3ti61 4ti08 4ti39
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) 2ti54 3ti14 4ti01 5ti12 5ti40
very high starting dehydrogenation rate and quite a large D (60 min). Mg-10CMC(Na) released 0.09 wt% H for 2.5 min and 0.43 wt% H for 60 min. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) released 0.72 wt% H for 2.5 min and 4.61 wt% H for 60 min. Table V shows changes in D (wt% H) as a func-
tion of t at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg- 5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
Figure 5 shows SEM images of Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride- forming milling. The particle sizes of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling were not homogeneous and the cross sections of the particles were circle or square. The surfaces of the Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-5CMC(Na) particles were flat with some small parti- cles embedded. A larger number of small particles were embedded in Mg-10CMC(Na) than in Mg-5CMC(Na).
Table III. Changes in H (wt% H) as a function of t at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
Mg-5CMC(Na) 3ti62 5ti01 6ti19 6ti78 7ti18
Mg-10CMC(Na) 3ti91 4ti78 5ti22 5ti44 5ti57
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) 3ti10 3ti84 4ti76 5ti60 5ti83
6582 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019
Choi et al. Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel
Mg-5CMC(Na) Mg-10CMC(Na)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
Mg-5CMC(Na) Mg-10CMC(Na)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
Figure 3. Dehydrogenation curves at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
The particle size of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride- forming milling was not homogeneous and the shape of the particles was irregular. The surfaces of the Mg- Mg-
Figure 4. Dehydrogenation curves at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na).
cycle, the starting hydrogenation rate was quite high and the quantity of hydrogen stored for 60 min, H (60 min), was quite large. As N increased from one to three, the
5Ni-5CMC(Na) particles were flat with some fine parti-
starting hydrogenation rate and H (60 min) increased. cles embedded. The particles of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after
hydride-forming milling were much smaller than those of From N = 3 to N = 4, the starting hydrogenation rate
Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming and H (60 min) decreased. At N = 1, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) absorbed 4.01 wt% H for 10 min, and 5.40 wt% H for
SEM images of Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and 60 min. At N = 3, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) absorbed 4.76 wt% H for 10 min, and 5.83 wt% H for 60 min. Table VI
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar
shows the variations in H (wt% H) of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) hydrogen at the fourth cycle are shown in Figure 6.
The particle sizes of Mg-5CMC(Na)IP:and84.54.57.196 On:Mg-10CMC(Na)Sat,at06593JulK in201912 bar04:04:15hydrogen with time t (min) at N = 1–4. Materials expand during hydrogenation and contract dur-
dehydrogenated at the fourth cycle were notCopyright:homoge-American Scientific Publishers
neous and the shapes of the particles was irregular, hav-Delivered byingIngentadehydrogenation. Repetition of the expansion and con- tract with hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling forms
ing some cracks. The surfaces of the Mg-5CMC(Na)
imperfections, makes newly exposed reactive surfaces, and and Mg-10CMC(Na) particles were undulated with some
decreases the particle size of Mg, increasing the starting fine particles embedded. The particles of Mg-5CMC(Na)
hydrogenation rate and the H (60 min). On the other hand, and Mg-10CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at the fourth cycle
hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling at a relatively high were smaller than those of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-
temperature, 593 K, makes the particles coalesce and the 10CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling. The particle
cracks disappear, decreasing the starting hydrogenation size of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at the fourth
rate and the H (60 min). While the effects of the expansion hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycle was not homoge-
and contract predominate over the effects of coalescence of neous and the shapes of the particles was very irregu-
the particles and disappearance of cracks, the hydrogena- lar. The surfaces of the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) particles are
tion rates and hydrogen storage capacity increase. While undulated. The particles of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro-
the effects of coalescence of the particles and disappear- genated at the fourth cycle were smaller than those of Mg-
ance of cracks predominate over the effects of the expan- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling and much
sion and contract, the hydrogenation rates and hydrogen smaller than those of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na)
dehydrogenated at the fourth cycle.
Hydrogenation curves of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 1–4 showed that from the first
Table IV. Changes in D (wt% H) as a function of t at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 1 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
Mg-5CMC(Na) 0ti06 0ti09 0ti14 0ti66 1ti51
Mg-10CMC(Na) 0ti10 0ti11 0ti13 0ti16 0ti26
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) 0ti48 1ti04 2ti17 4ti50 4ti64
storage capacity decrease.
We defined an effective hydrogen-storage capacity as the amount of the hydrogen stored for 60 min, H (60 min).
Table V. Changes in D (wt% H) as a function of t at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 3 for Mg-5CMC(Na), Mg-10CMC(Na), and Mg-5Ni-
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
Mg-5CMC(Na) 0ti10 0ti11 0ti13 0ti17 0ti50
Mg-10CMC(Na) 0ti09 0ti10 0ti11 0ti15 0ti43
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) 0ti72 1ti44 2ti73 4ti59 4ti61
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019 6583
Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel Choi et al.
(a) (b) Table VI. Variations in H (wt% H) of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) at 593 K in
12 bar hydrogen with time t (min) at N = 1–4.
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3 N = 4
2ti54 2ti63 3ti10 3ti05
3ti14 3ti28 3ti84 3ti79
4ti01 4ti15 4ti76 4ti62
5ti12 5ti35 5ti60 5ti32
5ti40 5ti63 5ti83 5ti46
Figure 5. SEM images of (a) Mg-5CMC(Na), (b) Mg-10CMC(Na), and (c) Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling.
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had an H (60 min) of 5.83 wt% at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen at N = 3.
Dehydrogenation curves of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 1–4 showed that
from N = 1, the starting dehydrogenation rate was quite high and the quantity of hydrogen released for 60 min,
the variations in D (wt% H) of Mg-5wt%CMC-5wt%Ni at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen with time t (min) at N = 1–4.
These results show that the complete activation of Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) was attained at the third hydrogenation- dehydrogenation cycle.
The X-ray diffraction diagram of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) powder after hydride-forming milling showed that the sample contained ti -MgH2, Mg, and small amounts of ti -MgH2 , Ni, and MgO. The MgO is believed to have been formed by the reaction of Mg with oxygen adsorbed on the surfaces of particles during treating the sample and being exposed to air to obtain the XRD diagram. The background of the XRD diagram was slightly high, showing that the sample was slightly amorphous.
The X-ray diffraction diagram of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) powder dehydrogenated at N = 4 showed that the
sample contained Mg and small amounts of MgO, ti -MgH2, Mg2Ni, and Ni. This shows that Mg2 Ni, which
D (60 min), was quite large. AsIP:N increased84.54.57.196fromOn:1Sat, 06wasJulnot2019observed in04:04:15the XRD diagram after hydride- to 4, the starting dehydrogenation rateCopyright:increased. The DAmerican formingScientific milling,Publisherswas formed during hydrogenation-
Delivered by Ingentadehydrogenation cycling. The MgO is believed to have (60 min) increased from N = 1 to N = 2 and decreased
from N = 2 to N = 4. At N = 1, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) been formed by the reaction of Mg with oxygen adsorbed
released 2.17 wt% H for 10 min, and 4.64 wt% H for on the surfaces of particles during treating the sample and
60 min. At N = 3, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) released 2.73 wt% H for 10 min, and 4.61 wt% H for 60 min. Table VII shows
being exposed to air to obtain the XRD diagram. The back- ground of the XRD diagram was low, indicating that the
sample was well crystallized.
(a) (b)
TEM images and SAED patterns of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na)
after hydride-forming milling and Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4 are
shown in Figure 7. The particles of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling were nano-sized, agglomer- ated, and irregular in shape. The SAED pattern of Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling showed that the phase in the sample was Mg and the sample was poly- crystalline. The particles of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro-
genated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4 were also nano-sized, agglomerated, and irregular in shape. The SAED pattern of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at
Table VII. Variations in D (wt% H) of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen with time t (min) at N = 1–4.
2.5 min 5 min 10 min 30 min 60 min
Figure 6. SEM images of (a) Mg-5CMC(Na), (b) Mg-10CMC(Na), and (c) Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at the fourth cycle.
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3 N = 4
0ti48 0ti65 0ti72 0ti81
1ti04 1ti29 1ti44 1ti55
2ti17 2ti52 2ti73 2ti87
4ti50 4ti67 4ti59 4ti56
4ti64 4ti74 4ti61 4ti58
6584 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019
Choi et al. Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel
Figure 7. TEM images and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of (a) Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling and (b) Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4.
593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at the fourth cycle also showed that the phase in the sample was Mg and the sample was polycrystalline.
An EDAX spectrum and elemental mappings of Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydro-
gen at N = 4 are shown in Figure 8. We could not ensure whether the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K
in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4 contained CMC in the XRD diagram or not. However, the EDS spectrum exhibited Mg, O, C, Ni, and Na peaks, showing that the C and Na, which were produced from CMC(Na), were contained in Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydro-
gen at N = 4. The distribution of carbon in the elemental mapping of the sample shows that the large part of carbon was from the carbon tape on which the sample powder was placed. The atomic percentages of Mg, O, C, Ni, and Na were about 18.9, 28.8, 51.4, 0.4, and 0.5, respectively.
Line scanning results for Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro- genated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4 are
shown in Figure 9. Ni and Na were distributed relatively
IP: On: Sat, 06 Jul 2019 04:04:15 Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
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Figure 8. (a) An EDS spectrum and (b) elemental mappings of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro-genated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4.
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019 6585
Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel Choi et al.
The XRD diagram of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro- genated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4 revealed
no phase related to CMC(Na). The EDS spectrum exhib- ited in Figure 8 showed that small amounts of C and Na, which were produced from CMC(Na), were contained in Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at 593 K in 1.0 bar
hydrogen at N = 4. We believe that most of the CMC(Na) melted during milling and that because CMC(Na) has high viscosity, contacts were good and sliding was prevented between Mg particles and hardened steel balls, leading to effective milling.
The hydride-forming milling of Mg with CMC(Na) and/or Ni is believed to increase the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates of Mg by forming imperfections (which makes nucleation easy), making newly exposed reactive surfaces (which increases the reactivity of Mg particles with hydrogen), and decreasing the particle size of Mg (which decreases the diffusion distances of the hydrogen atoms) [20, 21, 30–33]. Comparing Figures 5(a) and (b) with Figure 5(c) demonstrates that adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) decreased greatly the particle size during hydride-forming milling. This shows that adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) made the effects of the hydride-forming milling stronger. The small amounts of C and Na contained in Mg-5Ni- 5CMC(Na) after cycling are believed to help improve the
IP: On: Sat, 06 Julsample’s2019cycling04:04:15performance by preventing coalescence Copyright: American ofScientificparticles viaPublisherstheir staying among particles.
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Compared with Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na)
Figure 9. Line scanning results for Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydro- genated at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen at N = 4.
homogeneously in the sample. A large amount of C was observed outside the particle, indicating that most of the carbon was from the carbon tape on which the sample powder was placed.
Figure 10 shows the SEM image of a sample with a
(named Mg-
5TiCl3 ti dehydrogenated at N = 4 and dehydrogenation curves of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) and Mg-5TiCl3at N = 3 at 593 K in 1.0 bar H . The fine particles of the Mg-
5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated at N = 4 are larger than those of the Mg-5TiCl3 dehydrogenated at N = 4 and the agglomerates of the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dehydrogenated
genated at N = 4. However, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had much higher starting dehydrogenation rate at N = 3 than that of Mg-5TiCl . The effect of the Mg Ni formation in the
3 2
Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) sample is believed to have increased the starting dehydrogenation rate. The effects of adding Ni to Mg-5CMC on the hydride-forming milling are also believed to have partly contributed to the increase in the starting dehydrogenation rate of the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) sample.
after hydride-forming milling, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydride-forming milling contained much more ti -MgH2 and a higher background, showing that adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) led to the prepa- ration of the samples that were much more reactive and more amorphous than the Mg-5CMC(Na) sample. Figures 1 and 3 show that Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had a large quantity of hydrogen absorbed for 10 min, H (10 min), a large H (60 min), a large quantity of hydro- gen released for 10 min, D (10 min), and a large D (60 min). Comparison of Figures 6(a) and (b) with Figure 6(c) shows that adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) greatly decreased the particle size after hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling. The X-ray diffraction diagram of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) powder dehy-
drogenated at N = 4 showed that Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) after hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling contained an
Mg2 Ni phase. Figure 1 shows that at N = 1, the starting hydrogenation rate of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) was higher and H (60 min) of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) was larger than those of Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na), respectively.
Figure 2 shows that at N = 3, the starting hydrogenation rate of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) was lower and H (60 min) of Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) was smaller than those of Mg- 5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na), respectively. Figures 3
6586 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019
Choi et al. Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel
(a) (b)
Mg-5TiCl 3
Mg-5Ni-5CMC (Na)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
3 at
593 K in 1.0 bar H
at N = 3.
and 4 show that adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg- 10CMC(Na) greatly increased the dehydrogenation rate and cycling performance of Mg-CMC(Na) samples.
Mg2Ni is known to have higher hydrogenation and dehydrogenation rates than Mg [34]. The above results show that the addition of Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) made the effects of the hydride- forming milling stronger. The Mg Ni formed in Mg-5Ni-
5CMC(Na) during hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling
and released 3.41 wt% H in 1.5 bar hydrogen for 20 min at 583 K at N = 17. At N = 3, Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) of
this work absorbed 5.83 wt% H for 60 min at 593 K in 12 bar hydrogen and released 4.61 wt% H for 60 min at 593 K in 1.0 bar hydrogen. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) of this work had quite high starting hydrogenation and dehy- drogenation rates and quite large quantities of hydrogen released for 60 min, compared with those of the reported samples [5, 34–36].
is believed to have made the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) sam-
IP: On: Sat, 06 Jul 2019 04:04:15 ple have a much higher dehydrogenation rateCopyright:and a muchAmerican 4.Scientific PublishersCONCLUSIONS larger D (60 min) than the Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-Delivered by Ingenta
10CMC(Na) samples. The effects of adding Ni to Mg- Samples with compositions of 95 wt% Mg + 5 wt%
5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) on the hydride-forming CMC(Na) [named Mg-5CMC(Na)] and 90 wt% Mg + 10 wt% CMC(Na) [named Mg-10CMC(Na)] were pre-
milling are also believed to have partly contributed to the
pared via milling in hydrogen (hydride-forming milling). increase in the starting dehydrogenation rate of the Mg-
Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) had very high hydro- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) sample.
genation rates and large quantities of hydrogen absorbed
Yuan et al. [35] mechanically milled Mg-based hydride (synthesized by hydriding combustion) with a hydrogen-permissive/oxygen-prohibitive polymer, tetrahy- drofuran solution of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), under argon atmosphere. The prepared nanocomposite, Mg Ni particles embedded by PMMA, had a diameter of
95 5
smaller than about 100 nm. The nanocomposite absorbed 3.37 wt% H in 60 min and desorbed as high as 1.02 wt% H within 120 min at 473 K [35]. Yao et al. [36] per- formed hydriding combustion synthesis plus wet mechan- ical milling with tetrahydrofuran (THF) and prepared Mg Ni nano-composites coated with polyvinylpyrroli-
95 5
done (PVP). Their XRD analyses showed that the average
for 60 min, H (60 min), of 7.18 and 5.57 wt% H, respectively, but low dehydrogenation rates after acti- vation. To increase the dehydrogenation rates of Mg- 5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na), Ni was added. A sample
with a composition of 90 wt% Mg + 5 wt% CMC(Na) + 5 wt% Ni [named Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na)] was prepared through hydride-forming milling. The activation of Mg- 5Ni-5CMC(Na) was completed at the third hydrogenation- dehydrogenation cycle. Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) had high dehydrogenation rates, releasing 2.73 wt% H for 10 min and 4.61 wt% H for 60 min at 593 K in 1.0 bar
hydrogen at N = 3. Adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) greatly decreased the particle size dur-
crystal size of MgH
decreased to 18 nm in the Mg95
ing hydride-forming milling, showing that adding Ni to
milled with 1 wt% PVP from 23 nm in the Mg95
Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) made the effects of
without PVP. The peak temperature of dehydrogenation of the hydride-forming milling stronger. Adding Ni to Mg-
decreased to 523.4 K in the Mg95
milled with
5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) led to the preparation
THF from 566 K in the Mg95
milled without THF [36].
of the samples that were much more reactive and more
Song at al. [34] added 5 wt% Ni to Mg by planetary ball milling in Ar atmosphere. The prepared 95 wt% Mg +
5 wt% Ni alloy absorbed 2.52 wt% H in 8 bar hydrogen
amorphous than the Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) samples. The Mg Ni formed in Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) dur-
ing hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling is believed to
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 19, 6580–6589, 2019 6587
Increasing the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Rates of Magnesium by Incorporating CMC(Na) and Nickel Choi et al.
have made the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) sample have a much higher dehydrogenation rate and a much larger quantity of hydrogen released for 60 min, D (60 min), than the Mg- 5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) samples. The effects of adding Ni to Mg-5CMC(Na) and Mg-10CMC(Na) on the hydride-forming milling are also believed to have partly contributed to the increase in the starting dehydrogenation rate of the Mg-5Ni-5CMC(Na) sample.
Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant number NRF- 2017R1D1A1B03030515).
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Received: 24 July 2018. Accepted: 25 December 2018.
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